Our Services

flowers in church

Our Services

Fitchett-Mann Funeral Services provides a vast range of services to fulfill all of your funeral needs. Unlike most, we offer a full suite of services and will arrange everything for you from beginning to end. Just some of the services we provide include:

    • Personal meeting with you to make arrangements for the funeral/memorial service
    • Preparation and listing of obituary newspaper notices
    • Cremation services
    • Traditional funeral services
    • Chapel & Church services
    • Graveside burials
    • Variety of religious services
    • Military services
    • All-inclusive mortuary services
    • Reception hall for a reception or ceremony
    • Catering arrangements
    • Floral tributes, including casket covers, sheaths, wreaths, etc

Please let us know if you have a particular need and don’t see the service you are looking for above. We respect your wishes and the needs of your loved one to provide a service that meets everyone’s needs. 

We offer a variety of packages to meet everyone’s budget. 

Click to learn more. 


Please complete the form below and one of our skilled funeral home directors will get in touch with you as soon as possible. 

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