
Cremation Options for Your Loved One

An increasing number of individuals are opting for cremation as the final disposition for their loved ones. However, deciding whom to trust with this process is equally significant. At Fitchett-Mann Funeral Services, we personally conduct the cremation on our premises, ensuring that your loved one remains under our supervision throughout the entire process.

There are various choices available for the cremation of a loved one, including dispersing the ashes or keeping them in an urn. The decision of where to scatter the remains can be made at a location that holds significance, or it can be done at a cemetery, garden, or sea. It is essential to keep in mind that scattering ashes is not allowed in many places. Often, the urn is placed in a meaningful spot, such as above a fireplace, in a garden, in a community mausoleum, or a designated gravesite.

A cremation service costs are typically lower than a traditional ceremony, particularly when arranging the service in advance.

There exist three options for cremation services. Choosing the most suitable one for you and your loved ones is ultimately a decision based on personal preference.

  1. A memorial service, which resembles a funeral service, is the first type of ceremony. Unlike a funeral service, the deceased is not physically present at a memorial service. In this case, cremation usually occurs a few days after death, and the urn is present during the service. Religious readings and anecdotes about the departed may be shared during the ceremony, typically conducted at a funeral home or place of worship.
  2. The second type of cremation involves a funeral service where loved ones view the deceased before being cremated. This allows for a traditional service with readings and a eulogy, similar to a memorial service. Religious readings and stories about the deceased may also be included. The actual cremation takes place after this service has concluded.
  3. The third option available is immediate cremation, a simple form of cremation that typically takes place within a few days of the individual’s passing. The body is promptly cremated, and the ashes are then given back to the family without any accompanying service.

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