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Robert L. Griffin

01/19/1937 - 12/29/2024


Obituary For Robert L. Griffin

Chesapeake-A funeral service will be held 11:00 am Thursday; January 9, 2025 at First Baptist Church Campostella; 1510 Conoga Street; Norfolk, VA. The body will be placed in church 1 hour prior to service. His earthly remains will be buried in Roosevelt Memorial Park; Chesapeake, VA.

Please continue to pray for the family.

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  • 01/09/2025

    Thank you for being a friend to my mother, Armaza White. Your kindness towards her and my brother will never be forgotten. Katrina Love

  • 01/02/2025

    We are so sorry for the loss of your Dad. He was a friend to everyone. We will keep his family in Prayer. Linda and Gary Chapman

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